Have you ever observed how people with low IQ are not quite aware that they have a low IQ? The same applies to people’s attractiveness, which creates an interesting perfectionist dating dynamics for the unusually attractive, celebrities for certain. The not quite Top Notch people tend to have an unrealistic level of self-confidence. The reason being that they know that by chasing people, by love bombing the super attractive, they get the results. Super hot people do not need to chase, they get chased. When two of these meet, neither knows what they’re supposed to do next.
Let me explain properly.
You think it’s a male/female thing to chase. It isn’t. The inferior chases, their gender is irrelevant.
It is the natural instinct of a human being to try and date up. This is true until you get to the top. At the top, the chasing stops, and the questioning starts: “Do I belong with those people or the notch down?” When you can’t identify your superiors, you’ll start doubting your sanity. This creates unique perfectionist dating dynamics.
The slightly down from here will be reassured by returned attention from the Top Tier. “OK, they’re interested, therefore, I must be one of them.” This is unfortunately not an indication of equality however, but the fact the Top Tier is used to getting their sex partners delivered to the door. And when the other Top Tiers don’t chase them, they assume they’re not that interested because anyone looking like that should know they can have anyone they want…. But they just don’t. They know that at this level, the Yes and No is a matter of a nuance. They also know that at this level, everyone is looking for the absolute perfection, not a 9.8.
Full 10’s Maybe an 8 -syndrome.
Full 10’s often suffer from what I have jokingly named the Maybe an 8 -syndrome. It is a “condition” that tells a perfectionist to remain humble and modest. So their internal dialogue goes something like: “I think I’m a 10, but realistically, probably 9, maybe an 8.” Modesty is required for a full 10 to be a full 10, and as such, they can’t rate themselves a full 10.
What they’ll do though, is rate their equals a full 10 without a second thought.
This means, when they get face-to-face with their authentic counterpart, their True Emotion Mirror, they figure “well men make the first move” or “women make the first move” or “men/women will make the final call” so they’re both acting out of usual experience: the inferior chases, and they wind up waiting for the other to call it. The other Full 10 won’t make bold moves without encouragement.
Both of them would feel rather awkward being too hands on with another person. They also feel scared of being the inferior in this case. They know how easy it is for a person to be coaxed into an easy relationship – they can get coaxed by easily available themselves. Therefore, they want to avoid winding up being the not quite wanted -party in the relationship and not chase.
Full 10s have to meet each other half way.
There is really no other way around it: Full 10s have to meet each other half way in relationships. Playing hard-to-get and fake rejection games will only ever work on narcissists. Narcissists cannot be Full 10’s by the humility clause. If you want a Full 10 partner and you are one, you must be brave enough to answer a “hi” with a “hi” and “I like you” with an “I like you” (if you do.)
If you don’t do this, you’ll wind up with a climber/narcissist. Only a narcissistic person has the “self-confidence” to chase a Full 10 down the aisle. That, in turn, gives some people the false idea that physically attractive people are always narcissistic. That’s all there is to it.